How Many Mobile Devices can I install on?

Question: My clinical group has acquired some iPads for rounding use and is blocked from Connect Care mobility installs after the first few are configured. What's happening?

Answer: Prescribers can install Connect Care mobile applications (Haiku, Canto) on up to two personal devices. Installation of Limerick (Apple Watch app) with Haiku (iPhone) is considered a single install.

Device numbers are controlled through the mobility management software used for installations. Personal devices can be any combination of smartphones or tablets. So, it is okay to install on an iPhone and an iPad, or on two different iPads, for example, but installation on an iPhone and two iPads would not be supported.

If it is necessary to replace a device, uninstall from the old device before attempting installation on the new device.

There may be special arrangements where a clinical group has purchased multiple mobile devices and need one person to do Haiku and/or Canto installs on all of these. For more information: