Why can't I connect to AHS Wireless?

Question: Prescribers need wireless network access for personal devices (smartphones, tablets, portable computers) when providing health services in Alberta Health Services (AHS) facilities. A few issues can frustrate attempts to get connected.

Context: AHS provides wireless network services within its facilities, recognized by the network identifier "AHSRESTRICT". Most facilities also support a "HEALTHSPOT" wireless connection, intended for patient use. The AHSRESTRICT network cannot be joined without AHS network credentials, whereas HEALTHSPOT can be joined without need for a username and password.

Answers: A few pointers can prevent common connection frustrations:

  • Credentials
    A first attempt connecting to AHSRESTRICT will trigger a request for the user's AHS network credentials. Be sure to use the "user name" and "password" combination that also works for AHS email and Connect Care access.
  • Network Domain
    Take notice of any pick-list or edit field for the AHS domain to "Log on to", and be sure that this is set for the "HEALTHY" network.

  • Security Certificate
    An alert or warning (depending upon device type) may follow to the effect that the user needs to accept an AHS "security certificate". Say "yes", however that is expressed for the current device.
  • Repeats
    One may periodically receive prompts to re-authenticate or repeat acceptance of a (new) security certificate. Following the on-screen directions works in most cases. If not, the best work-around is to delete the AHSRESTRICT wireless settings on one's device and then start the wireless connection process afresh. 
  • Other Issues
    Please contact the IT Service desk (1-877-311-4300) for assistance if these tips prove unhelpful.