How can I resend a prescription via direct electronic fax to a community pharmacy?

Question: How can I “reprint” or refax a prescription that was originally sent via direct electronic fax?

Context: Prescriptions sent directly from Connect Care via electronic fax to a community pharmacy are handled by the RightFax application. In the “My Printouts” activity, the “Printer Used” column will show “RIGHTFAX”.

If the initial fax fails, the RightFax application will attempt to send the fax a total of five times, every 5 minutes. After that, the message goes into a failure queue in the RightFax application. Similar to community EMRs that fax prescriptions, the pharmacy or patient would need to request a reprint from the prescriber if the fax does not come through.

If a prescriber receives such a reprint request, or if the original pharmacy information was incorrect, there are a few different ways to reprint/resend, depending on the context. Note that the usual method for reprinting prescriptions, via the My Printouts activity, will not work, and the only option in some cases will be to print, sign, and manually fax.

Answer: For ambulatory encounters, the following options can be used to resend/reprint a prescription that was originally sent via direct electronic fax:

  • If the patient’s preferred pharmacy is still the same, from the relevant encounter, the prescription can be resent via direct electronic fax using the “Reprint Meds” link.

  • If the original electronic fax was sent to an incorrect pharmacy/fax number, contact the pharmacy that was sent the prescription in error to cancel the original prescription, and then either:
    • Print on paper by going to Chart Review >> Meds, selecting the medication, scrolling down to “Reprint Prescription”, and clicking the link. Then sign and manually fax to the correct number. 
    • Cancel the original order and reorder with the correct pharmacy information. Follow the steps in the tip sheet to send via direct electronic fax.
For inpatient encounters, the following options can be used to resend/reprint a prescription that was originally sent via direct electronic fax:
  • Print via one of the below methods, then sign and manually fax:
    • In the “After Visit Summary” section of the Discharge Navigator, click the add icon ("+") found beside "Discharge Medications". 
    • In the “Discharge Status” section of the Discharge Navigator, click the “Reprint” link next to the relevant medication. 
  • If the original electronic fax was sent to an incorrect pharmacy/fax number, contact the pharmacy that was sent the prescription in error to cancel the original prescription, and then either:
    • Print on paper by going to Chart Review >> Meds, selecting the medication, scrolling down to “Reprint Prescription”, and clicking the link. Then sign and manually fax to the correct number.
    • In Discharge Med Rec, click on the pencil icon next to the medication and modify/reorder with the correct pharmacy information entered for the patient’s preferred pharmacy. If “Fax” is selected for the order class (as detailed in the tip sheet), it should send via direct electronic fax.

Information on reprinting discharge prescriptions that were originally printed out can be found in this FAQ.