How can I report a Medical Device Incident?

Question: Is there a way for clinicians to submit a device incident report through the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS)?

Context: Medical devices are regulated by Health Canada, which mandates that device-related safety risks be reported. Medical devices include clinical equipment (e.g. IV pumps, ventilators, vitals monitors, etc.) and clinical consumables (e.g., pacemakers, PICC lines, artificial joints, etc.). A device-related event is any incident, or condition that could have resulted or did result in harm to a patient and involves a device or CIS interface to a device. 

Alberta Health Services (AHS) uses a single, province-wide system for device incident reporting. The Medical Device Incidents or Problems (MDIP) reporting system can be accessed directly within Connect Care.

Note that AHS uses is a separate system (Reporting & Learning System for Patient Safety, RLS) for reporting other patient safety events.

Answer: The MDIP device incident reporting system is integrated with the Connect Care CIS. Users can submit a report from within Connect Care. Use the Chart Search function (top right in Hyperspace) to search for "MDIP" then select the appropriate activity where a report workflow is launched. MDIP also appears near the top of the Epic menu structure. 

Be sure to indicate a Connect Care relationship in the comments if it is believed that the device incident relates to an interface to the Connect Care CIS.

  • Be sure to check the question “Was digital health technology a factor” as "Yes". 
  • If a helpdesk ( service ticket was created, please include the ticket number in the description of the incident. 
  • If the device incident was specific to a particular patient care workflow, please add the medical record number (MRN) to the description.
  • If available, note the device identification number in the description of the incident. This can be found on an AHS sticker applied to the device.
  • QuickReference: Reporting Safety Events Online
If a device issue is urgent, be sure to locate the device sticker number and call 1-877-311-4300.