Question: What sorts of orders can be entered using Connect Care mobile device applications (Haiku and Canto)?
Context: Haiku for smartphones (iOS and Android) and Canto for iPads are mobile applications from Epic Systems that bring a lot of chart review and patient management functions to prescribers wherever they happen to be. These apps do a few things better than the full Hyperspace user interface. However, most Hyperspace capabilities are only partially reflected in mobile apps.
Answer: There are major differences in what is supported through Haiku and Canto versus Hyperspace, and significant differences in what is supported in Haiku for iOS versus Haiku for Android. For example, while the mobile apps generally have limited ordering capabilities, the limits are greater on Android devices:
In general, while Haiku for Android offers excellent communication and chart review support, data entry functions like note-taking, ordering and image capture are better supported with the iOS version.
Note that mobile apps are constantly improving, reflecting an Epic Systems top development priority. Prescribers will be able to do more, with greater ease, over time. Improvements affecting prescribers are periodically posted in blogs linked to the Manual mobility page.